HEATERS Tubular HeaterTubular Heater is typically made of Steel, Stainless Steel, Inconel or Titanium alloys. They can be configured in a variety […]Cartridge HeaterCartridge Heaters are also known as pencil Heaters are cylindrical shaped heating elements consisting of a resistance wire coil fused […]Ceramic Band HeaterCeramic band heaters are designed with spirally wound inner resistance coils stretch and strung evenly threaded through the interlocking insulated […]Mica HeaterMica-Insulated Band Heater is an efficient and economical solution to the heating requirements of many different applications where installation space […]Immersion HeaterImmersion Heater is one of the Tubular type of Heater inserted in flange with leak proof brazing or TIG welding. […]Air HeaterAmee Engineers is one of leading manufacturer of Air Heater which offers variety of Air Heater to solve customer’s specific […]Aluminium Cast HeatersAluminium Cast Heaters are made of tubular type heating coil embedded with Aluminium-Alloy by the forming process. It’s life and […]Strip HeaterStrip Heaters basically has two categories – One is Mica Base Strip Heater and the other is Ceramic Base Strip […] TEMPRATURE SENSORS RTDResistance Temperature Detectors (RTD), as the name implies, are sensors used to measure temperature with the help of the resistor […]ThermocoupleA Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature. Thermocouples consist of two wire legs made from dissimilar metals. The […]